Forever Fields
The Forever Fields Upland Habitat Complex is comprised of three Knox County tracts totaling 1,000 acres of beautiful uplands habitat. These three tracts are: Forever Fields Habitat Area, Buffalo Prairie PHA, and T-Lake Habitat Area.

Windshield Card Application
Free required windshield card application for all hunting. Click the link to fill out the form. A Free windshield card and harvest report will be emailed to you at the address you provide.
Forever Fields Site Regulations (E. of Victoria, IL)
Regulations For 2023-2024….Posted 8/24/2023
- NO Alcohol, Dumping, Camping, Motorized Vehicles, Watercrafts, Fires, or Horses Allowed
- Upland hunting the first two weekends in Nov. is restricted to special PF upland permit- holders
- Closed 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise
- Parking allowed only in designated parking lots (No roadside parking)
- Dogs must be leashed during the primary nesting season (April 15 – July 31)
Fishing and Naturalist / Birding: (Must follow ALL Illinois Statewide Regulations)
- Requires Illinois Recreational Access Program Permit. More information can be found at: http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/conservation/irap/pages/default.aspx
- Fishing Activities: April 1 – September 30, Sunrise to Sunset (Friday thru Monday only)
- Naturalist Activities: April 1 – September 30, Sunrise to Sunset (Friday thru Monday only)
General Hunting Regulations: (Must follow ALL Illinois Statewide Regulations too)
- All hunters must display a PF site windshield card in their vehicle Click Here for Windshield Card.
- Only non-toxic shot allowed, no rifles or slugs allowed.
- Site closed to upland hunters other than the PF upland lottery permit winners the first two weekends of November.
Upland Hunting:
- No hunting prior to 9am.
- Only special PF permit hunting allowed the first two weekends of Nov.. Permits available through a free lottery drawing Click Here to Apply (The First two Weekends for 2023 Upland Lottery will be open Sept. 1-Sept.30. Winners will be notified via email in early October)
- Open to walk-in hunting all other days throughout upland season.
- September only.
- Can not access until 1 hr before sunrise to 10am except during conservation order snow goose season (all day).
- September – April: Open to walk-in daily following state-wide regulations.
Big Game:
- Open to walk-in archery hunting only – closed to all firearm hunting.
- Temporary tree stands permitted but must be removed by end of archery season otherwise subject to confiscation.
- No Screw in Tree Steps Permitted
- Only Egg Traps*, D-P (Dog Proof) Traps*, box traps, cage traps, & traps of similar design may be used for land sets. Body gripping traps must have a jaw spread of 10″ or less and be completely submerged under water. Follow all other statewide regulations.
Questions? Contact Illinois Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever at (309) 948-6390, ILPFQF@pheasantsforever.org
Website for PF Windshield Card for all hunting and for PF Upland Lottery Permit for First Two Weekends of Nov: www.ihuntil.com
Need to report illegal activity?
Knox County Sheriff – 309-343-9151, Crime Tip Hotline – 309-344-0044, TIP – 877-2DNRLAW
Forever Fields Upland Habitat Complex
Forever Fields Habitat Area, Buffalo Prairie PHA, T-Lake Habitat Area 1,000 acres Knox County, Illinois
Forever Fields Map
This public land acquisition project was made possible by: